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La Posta Farms

Posted by admin on June 21, 2013

La Posta Farms

You’ve admired this ranch for years on the South side of I-8 at La Posta Rd. This is the 40 acres that has the beautiful pasture and abundant sweet water from two wells. The agricultural well on the West side pumps approx. 160 gallons per minute and the house well about 18 g.p.m. Owner has installed a metal barn, fencing, 4-inch water system with numerous standpipes, an RV with a deck, well house and outbuildings. This ranch is easily recognizable by the beautiful rock pillar fencing and it’s charming windmill on the East side of La Posta Rd. Rich, fertile pasture land is on the West side. The owner has planted apple, peach, pear, berries, asparagus and baby oaks. The East side also offers a substantial amount of fertile farm land. Animal designator is “0” allowing for many different animal uses. “Think Vineyard” or a cottage industry. Maybe even a tasting room. Visable from the freeway, the location is perfect. It’s possible that you may obtain an “organic” designation for this farm. No chemical, pesticides or inorganic materials have been used on this land.

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